I've not had time to blog for some time, but Christmas brings all the jokers out in the office. This years Secret Santa was fairly tame. Tom got a giant inflatable football, which he spent most of the rest of the morning blowing up. Then realising he would have to deflate it to take home, on the bus, he spent most of the afternoon squeezing it to get all the air out again. In the end he got someone to drive him home with it half deflated.
Jason had bumped into Tim in the 24 hour Asda, buying cat-food, in his running kit. Jason was buying his Secret Santa present for Tee, who sits across the way from him. Strangely he opted for a ladies jumper. He came into work early to wrap it and explained that he was going to wait for Tee to wear it, then tell him that he wears women's clothes. Unfortunately for him, as soon as it was un-wrapped, Elaine said "That's a woman's jumper". Tee then went round all the women in the office asking what size jumper they took, with a few funny looks. It was a size 14, but he didn't realise that it was quite large for any of the women in our section. Eventually one of the girls from the 6th floor came down for something, a little larger, who admitted to being a size 12. When she saw the jumper she thought that it was nice and would probably fit her.
With Jason's joke backfiring, he was more miserable to open up his present, which was a ball (meant for exercising with). The trouble with this was that Nev brought him a ball, for playing with in water, last year - which he had moaned about for over a month, since we had decided to do a Secret Santa this year. He was so wound up that he told everyone that he's never going to participate in Secret Santa again.