Monday, 20 December 2010
Icey spill
It's the bus for him for the rest of the week.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
On a planet far far away
I also bumped into Tom in the lift, who sheepishly confessed that he had taken last week off; same as Junior, to play the World Of Warcraft expansion pack.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
stormtrooper in a tea cup

Alan came and took a look, and he showed me the photos of his Halo helmet that he had started making, but didn't have the time to finish.
Eric had told me last week that Junior and some of his mates had taken the week off to play with the latest expansion pack to World of Warcraft. Today I bumped into Cat, who is now Junior's girlfriend, and asked her what she thought about it. She said that she had created a character to play it, but she was only a level two, and she had much more important things to do with her time.
Monday, 13 December 2010
Bi the way
"I said my week off was eventful – Basically I came out as bisexual – short
story is my ex girlfriend found out (something I wasn’t expecting) had to tell
dad and sister before anyone else told them. Bit emotional, but went well. Bet
you didn’t expect that."
He went on to ask if I could sort out some support for him. I looked at the employee Assistance Programme, but couldn't really find a subject to fit, so I gave him the web link to look at for himself. He's now told a couple of the team, but not everyone. I'm not going to tell anyone who he hasn't told already.
I'm not too sure what he expected, & we aren't sure what to expect. Is he going to behave in a camp fashion around the office now. He's not exactly effeminate, nor a particularly smart dresser. Now when I look at him though, I wonder what it was that his ex-girlfriend had found out.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Friday, 12 November 2010
Sick days
At the hospital they have a policy where you are not allowed back until 48 hours after your last episode. Explaining this to Ned, he asked what I meant by an episode. I wonder if he thought I was talking about TV programmes?
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Then he told me that he was now an expectant father. Unfortunately he is no longer with the lady in question, but seems a bit more involved than Jason was. I suppose it helps if you are told before the baby is born. There are a few ladies up our end of the office who have just gone off on maternity leave, all of which we have tried to get involved in the baby naming process. I thought Clive might be a bit more amenable to giving his son the middle name "Danger"; but he didn't seem keen.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Clive's birthday again
Me: "Where you going then?"
Hiten: "Somewhere over Bristol."
Me: "What? why so far? He always goes to weird, out of the way places. Is
it because he has to go places where nobody knows him?"
Chris: "Yes, he's banned from anywhere close by."
Monday, 8 November 2010
Sunday, 7 November 2010
BBC News Strike

Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Junior volunteers II
Big bang

Then Sue, her team leader, decided she would tidy up. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she was clearing up all the streamers, then saw her un-tie all the balloons then carry them into the corridor with her big pair of scissors.
A few moments later there was a bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, as she burst the balloons; as if she had taken someone out into the corridor and shot them. Everyone looked round, then were still looking around as Sue walked back in with the remains of the balloons, smiling.
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Junior volunteers

Sunday, 31 October 2010


Ned: "It's all become a big ker..., blown out of proportion."
Jason: "You were going to say kerfuffle then weren't
Ned: "Yes, I was, but I'm trying to avoid saying it. I like that word
Jason: "It's all a bit of a kerfuffle!" Jason repeated in a high pitched
Me: "Who says kerfuffle all the time? Some TV character."
Jason: "It's Little
I had to think for a while.
Me: "Oh yeah. The guy that pushes the wheelchair."
Jason: "That's right."
Me: "Lou & Andy. I don't know which is which though."
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Trouble on the 4th floor
This is a genuine e-mail sent round earlier this week by one of the staffwhich has completely been blown out of all proportions. The manager of the guys responsible for the mess had appologised, and everyone was keeping their heads down and being on their best behaviour. The woman who had sent the mail wasn't happy with the appology and half-hearted excuse, and has now escalated the matter as a formal complaint. It has now gone to the regionalAll,
manager for our department, who has sent round a stern response to all the managers (I only know because Ned showed me). He finds it hard to believe that it has all got so high, forcing the department manager to comment on their behaviour. He is now asking for any information on who the culprits were and threatening to suspend flexi-time for everyone on our floor. It's just like being at school again.
Last night when I came back from off site, I was disgusted to find that
staff had stacked the so called empty cups into one compartment of the recycle bin, higher than the actual stands surrounding the Business Centre, instead of distributing them amongst the other empty compartments. Most of the cups had the used teabags still inside them, when staff are fully aware (there is a poster on the plastic cup recycling bin) that these cups are turned upside down to ensure there is nothing inside them when stacked for recycling, otherwise recycling cannot take place and this incurrs a penalty cost to the business. Not only that, but the dregs compartment attached at the side was full and overflowing, it had overflowed onto the actual unit and saturated the surrounding carpet. I was stood next to the cleaners when they took the top off the unit, the fluid that spilt out was disgusting and spilt not only onto the carpet, but also onto the cleaners. This also incurrs a cost tothe business as they now have to arrange for the carpet to be cleaned. The cleaners were very upset and angry about this this, and so was I, I am ashamed that such an immature act has taken place within thisdepartment on the 4th flr, and the fact that whoever witnessed this disgusting act/s and behaviour, did not challenge the staff responsible. This is unacceptable, and I told the cleaners so. They have made an official complaint. I would like this incident to be investigated and the person/staff responsible to apologise to the cleaners, as this was a despicable act, these are human beings that have to clean up after them.
Monday, 25 October 2010
Lottery winners

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Dan's in-laws

Saturday, 9 October 2010
Dress down Alan

Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Drinks machine

"It has been brought to our attention from the Klix Vending Engineer that
some of our machines are being written on in permanent marker pen.Please do not
deface the Vending machines in any way as they are on lease and do not belong to
the company.If any machines are vandalised i.e. written on, the
company will incur a cost to replace the affected areas/parts
Thank you for your co-operation"
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
I've been asked about this a lot, and basically all he had to do was sign a form saying he was the father of a new baby (no proof needed what so ever) and he was given two weeks extra paid leave.
Friday, 10 September 2010

Tuesday, 31 August 2010
"What colour is it?" he asked.
"Kind of a cappuccino colour," we told him.
Monday, 30 August 2010
Cherry picking
Friday, 27 August 2010
Apparently the young lady's Caucasian boyfriend, who was now living with her, was a little confused that his new baby had a coffee coloured complexion.
After a couple of days of asking around, we got a visit from a HR bod, who told us that all he needed to do was sign a disclaimer saying that he was the father, and he was going to spend two weeks bonding with his new son.Then that was it. We had to cover for the next two weeks while he managed to get an extra two weeks paid annual holiday.The girls in the office, who had all had legitimate Maternity leave in the past, it's more difficult to fake if you are a lady, were all spitting feathers.
Jumper clowns
Friday, 25 June 2010
Taking the pee

Friday, 28 May 2010
Chips with everything
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Fitting achievement
Monday, 26 April 2010
Hairy Deb
“It’s an English thing, isn’t it? Not taking the last one” said Les.
“I’ll have it shall I?” Said Deb.
“Ah, there you go,…” said Les “That’s the Greek in you.”
“What else would you say was a Greek thing then?”
“Being smelly and hairy” said Les.
“…Especially the women.”
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Smart lad
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Monday, 22 February 2010
High visibilty

Nev had said that it took him back to his paper delivery round days. This made us laugh more because he is so small, and we could picture him delivering papers today.
No more murder
I asked “What time is it?” to Jason.
He looked around at the clock, then lifted up his old phone. “This is all I’ve got now.” He said dejectedly.
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Winter in Paris

Jason asked “What time is it?”
“About ten past two” I told him.
“Murder She Wrote time.”Then for a few seconds he unplugged the headphones from his device to play a bit of the theme tune
Thursday, 11 February 2010
'Snow time for that
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
I-phone Murder

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

"Whatever tic-tacs you want to use."
Friday, 8 January 2010
Belated Christmas Message
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 8:47 AM
To: Distribution List
Subject: FW: Christmas Message
I wanted to take the chance to thank you all for your
hard work and efforts during 2009. I know I have only taken up my position at
the very end of the year but already from my conversations amongst the team I
can see that 2009 has been a challenging but very productive year for the
We have successfully moved to a new structure designed to
make it easier for our customers to do business with us. We have also been
growing relationships and generally raising the understanding within the
business on what we do. These moves have been well received across the
In addition to this we have also been successful in
winning work from across the group. Most notable is the project to support XXXX
in organising their many thousand documents.
2010 offers a number of
opportunities for us as a team.
I wish you all a safe
and merry Christmas and a happy new year.