Nev has been putting himself about a bit lately, he’d got an idea for increasing the quality of information we get from our customers, and he wanted to try it out. He’d organized a trip into the outside world for himself and a couple of other interested parties. This meant he had to have a company issue bright orange, high visibility jacket. Not the most flattering thing on most people, but Nev is tiny and for some reason he had ordered himself a medium sized jacket. He tried this on in front of us all yesterday afternoon and it dwarfed him. We couldn’t help but laugh at him. This morning he had left it lying around the office. We thought he had deliberately left it behind, Jason couldn’t help himself. He’s built like a brick house, he put it on and flexed his shoulder muscles, giving it a good stretch. It would have done up on him, but the sleeves were a little short. Eventually Nev arrived and took it with him, without trying it on again. The other thing that was funny was that there was a sixty percent chance of snow forecast.
Nev had said that it took him back to his paper delivery round days. This made us laugh more because he is so small, and we could picture him delivering papers today.
Nev had said that it took him back to his paper delivery round days. This made us laugh more because he is so small, and we could picture him delivering papers today.