Friday, 1 June 2007

Jim the songbird

Jim was eating away on his breakfast, when he dropped a bit of his sandwich.
“Believe it or not,” he said “I’ve missed my mouth.”
This is the guy who sings most of the afternoon. Prompting comments from Neil like–“I thought Gary Barlow was in the room.”
Often followed with comments about short fat people sitting in the office.
It’s usually awful “middle of the road” stuff he sings.
There was a moment the other day when Neil came out with – “I though Lionel Ritchie was in the toilet this morning.”
This was met with a barrage of comments from “Did he say “Hello”?”
To – “Why? Was there a big black man in there bothering you.” (with some less savory comments to do with people loitering in the toilets - thrown in.)
Always, as he leaves the office of a nighttime, he says “I’m going to take my wife a good husband… If I canm find one on the way home.”
This has worn a little thin, to the extent that Neil came out with “She’s been waiting a long time.” After he left.

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