Friday, 28 September 2007

Neil's communication

Neil sent Karen an e-mail earlier this week. He’d gone for an interview at a lab 10 minutes walk from his house (he had a chemistry degree).:
Thank you for the card I received last week. Can you thank the rest of the team for me. I have managed to get an interview for a laboratory technician vacancy in Telford. The lab is only a 10 minute walk from my house. I didn’t know it was there or I could have applied for a job earlier. The best thing about the job is that it is 4 days on, 4 days off. The shifts are 12 hours long, but I would be out of the house less time then I was when I was there as I have not got the 4 hours a day travelling.

Hope everything is going well at Tipton

I imagine there’s more of a chance of him turning up if he’s only 10 minutes away. Also, if he skives a day off, there’s more chance that someone might spot him skiving. Karen got a second e-mail from him telling her that he was starting on Sunday. He also wanted to express his apologies to the boss for the last time he phoned him, trying to tell him where to stick his job. I imagine he’s going to need a reference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good to see he's getting on. Nice of him to let you know.
