Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Dress down day

In response to the lifehacker’s “What workplace practices should be over?”

I hate charitable collections that come round at work. In our case though it’s almost compulsory, because they disguise it as “dress down days” or “jeans days”, so if you don’t want to part with your pound coins you have to come to work in your usual work wear while everyone else is wearing jeans. The people that collect the money don’t even tell you what charity you’re giving to any more, they just come round and say “dress down day” and expect you to give them a pound. I’ve taken to going to the toilet if I see them in time.
So being next in charge for this week I’m making up my own posters for “dress down Friday” and not collecting for anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dress down day should be free. you shouldn't feel forced to giving to charities that you are not happy giving to.
