Sunday, 23 December 2007

Coca Cola sign opportunity

Don’t like publicising Coca Cola, but here is an opportunity not to miss:

Simply type your details and a brief message to your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/mum/dad/sister/brother/friend/cat et al. into a form on Coca Cola's website and it'll be included in a rotating broadcast, in lights for all to see, at Piccadilly Circus, at some point before 9pm 2 Jan.

You'll get an email to let you know when your message is scheduled to be shown, and if you can't make it into Central London in person, simply watch it as it happens online.

Messages will be moderated before being displayed too, so no rude ones please!

If you can’t get into London you can watch it on the internet. I tried putting up one saying “Clive wears pink. Clive has orientation issues. Happy New Year,” but it didn’t get past the login page.


Anonymous said...

A neat idea, but I can't get it to work either.

Anonymous said...

Mine looked like it worked, but it said that it was going on to a "Moderation Team", so you still can't be sure if it's going tio get on the sign or not.

Anonymous said...

The Coke thing seems to be working now, although the submissions have to be vetted, so you don't know if some nazi will take offence at something. Have a go now.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment "Crescenet". I tried to translate it in Babelfish, but it didn't come out very well. It sounded like you enjoyed the post anyway.
The coke site did work after all, not that I saw any of it myself. Apparently my message was shown between 12.30 and 12.45. did anyone see?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else get their message on the billboard. If so, did you get a screengrab or photo of it. Please contact me if you got a result and I'll try and put a page together to show them.

Anonymous said...

Got my thing put on the Cola billboard. Didn't get a photo though, sorry.

Anonymous said...

My message couldn't have got past the censors.

Anonymous said...

I got an e-mail saying what time mine was supposed to be displayed, but I didn't catch it on the billboard.

Anonnoblog said...

we'll have to look out next year, and be better prepared.
