Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Brainwashing II

There are a good many people in the office that have bought Nintendo DS Lites for Christmas. A lot of them are doing the Brain training. Mel, Nige’s misses, was telling us about her brain training regime, and how she had started off with a brain age of 77, then improved to twenty something. Then last night she had gone back up to 32. I told her she should stop, so that it doesn’t get any worse. She and her 4 year old son had both got DSs for Christmas. Her mom and her friend went on a day trip to Europe before Christmas and ended up in Holland, buying thirty DSs (some of them for family and friends, others to sell on Ebay). They just weren’t available in December anywhere near us.
So, she was telling us, on Christmas day the three of them were sitting in the living room, Mel doing her brain training, her son playing Mario. Nige gets up and announces “I’ll go and play with my scarf then, shall I!” (He’d apparently got his new scarf which his mother-in-law had bought him for Christmas).


Anonymous said...

Can't Nige buy his own Ds Lite with the money from his DVDs?

Anonymous said...

That's a greta link showing the inside of the Dss.

Anonymous said...

That is a fantastic site, where people are dismantling and upgrading their Nintendos. I wouldn't dare take mine apart, I would be too worried about it going back together.

Anonymous said...

I've given up on the Brain Training. I'm selling it on ebay and going to buy something more enjoyable and entertaining to use. Would you recommend Star Wars Lego?

Anonymous said...

That Brain Training is a pain in the arse. I got on to one bit where you're supposed to watch a load of stick men running past you, and then tell the machine what position you finished up in the race. It's impossible, and no fun anymore. Let me know how much you sell your copy of Brain Training for. I've got to get rid of mine too.

Anonymous said...

I'm fed up with my Braintraining too. Have you got oneof those R4 cards, so that you can download games off the interenet and play them on your DS?
I need to get some good games instead of the Brain stuff.

Anonnoblog said...

Nige's DVD money was meant for him to buy a better car. He's managed to source some R4 cards for £35 at the local Computer Fayre, but I'm holding out for the prices to come back down again. I'm still happy playing the Star Wars Lego.
